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Checklist Of Amazon Do s And Don ts For New Sellers

Checklist Of Amazon Do’s And Don’ts For New Sellers

Checklist Of Amazon Do s And Don ts For New Sellers

Are you planning to be an entrepreneur on Amazon? This article will give you the details and FBA checklist to make sure that you have it all before you begins.

Tax details

Your State sales tax details are required, which includes

  • Name, Address of workplace
  • Taxpayer’s Id details
  • Details of items to be bought and sold
  • Signature for verification
  • Business license(if required)

Stock of Supplies Required Running a Sales Account on Amazon

You may require an entire office setup like, desktop, packaging material, Printers, stationary, stickers (logo, warning, etc)

Creating an Amazon Account

  • Register your name and address legally
  • Bank details
  • Credit card details
  • Vat Number
  • Logo of your brand
  • Shipping charges
  • Terms and conditions to be levied
  • What to Sell
  • Research

Selecting a Product to Sell

  • A product is decided after a good research on the market and its demand.
  • Setting a profit margin on your product
  • Choose a product that is light weighted and easy to ship
  • Storage space for the stock
  • Your competitors
  • Government policies
  • Amazon policies

Selecting Your Supplier

  • Types of supplier needed
  • Price of your product
  • If importing a product then foreign exchange price
  • Variants of products
  • Product samples if providing any
  • Warranty details

Specifications of Products

  • Barcode
  • Title of your Product
  • Product price
  • Features of your product
  • mention categories and sub categories of your products
  • High resolution images

SEO for a Product Page

  • Search popular keywords on
  • Use of one important keyword in title
  • Use at least one keyword in your bullet points.
  • Use of good two keywords in your description
  • Use Meta keywords.
  • Use five HQ images of your product.
  • Use features in your bullet points.

Selecting a Shipping Company

  • Cost of your product
  • Places the company can ship to and will it be able to reach your customers.
  • Speed and tracking details
  • Insurance details
  • Kind of shipping, free, real time carriers or multiple shipping, or flat rate shipping.

It is tough for a new seller to enter the Amazon world, as without proper guidelines and knowledge it may not be easy to survive in such a competitive market.

Do’s Amazon FBA Checklist

  • Choose a light weighted product and which is cost effective.
  • Prepare a product listing right after registering on Amazon.
  • Include keywords, titles and product description in your listing
  • Optimize your Amazon listing according to the Amazon product-ranking algorithm.
  • Subscribe to AMZ to find keywords relating your products.
  • Correct details about the product.
  • Customer service should be very quick and active.
  • You should be updated with new marketing strategies and campaigns and with new trends that your competitors are following.
  • You should always forward and ship your orders with the time limit provided.
  • Order tracking information should be updated as customers will track it time to time
  • Keep a regular check on your reviews and product ratings.
  • Send personal mails and questions to customers who are not happy with your service to know the actual problem.
  • Always issue refund when customer don’t get appropriate product as it adds goodwill to your reputation.
  • Use private label for your products.
  • Sign up with Amazon for fulfilment as it keeps you free and helps you to work towards your business growth.

Don’ts of Amazon FBA Checklist

  • Do not list a single product always list more than 10.
  • Not all the products that are listed should be similar.
  • Do not sell heavy weighted or expensive products and which gets difficult to ship.
  • Do not provide any fake details, documents or identity details. This may cause serious consequences and Amazon may sue you.
  • Do not break any Amazon rules.
  • Do not make use of .com, .biz, .org etc in your business name.
  • Do not send any restricted items without taking Amazon’s permission.
  • Outsource your work, do not try to do everything yourself.
  • Do not ignore any customer query, as Amazon will not.
  • Do not upload low quality pictures of your products.
  • Do not upload any fake or paid reviews.
  • Do not sell your Amazon product elsewhere except Amazon.
  • Do not forget to mention the unavailability of your product.
  • Do not forget marketing on social media’s it may generate good revenue.
  • Do not stop caring about customers.

10 Commandments of Amazon Selling

There are a few strict rules one has to follow when using Amazon for business purpose.

  1. You should not try to lead customers away from Amazon, they will not appreciate it.
  2. No seller is allowed to hold multiple accounts on Amazon, it is against Amazon guidelines. If you require a second account, you may ask for it.
  3. Do not manipulate ratings and reviews, instead offer free or discounted products and generate true reviews.
  4. Do not manipulate rates that are mentioned before on the website as it leads customers to other mediums.
  5. If you are doing fraud on Amazon, it will not take time for Amazon to know and then you may be stuck with legal issues. Duplicity is prohibited.
  6. Do not change the shipping price, once the transaction is done.
  7. You should sell what you show, maintain your quality. It hampers Amazon reputation.
  8. You products should be easily identified in Amazon’s warehouse.
  9. You should always respond to your customers, and that is how Amazon will rank you on your basis of communication with your customers.
  10. Sending any tech support to your customers is not acceptable and Amazon might suspend you for such an action.

If you actually wish to have an Amazon sellers account and go through all the details points and checklist thoroughly then you may succeed with your business on Amazon.