Handling Complex Product Data: Client provided product data through various sources, including email and a Google staging sheet. Managing different data formats and ensuring consistency required meticulous attention. Faith’s team designed a structured template that captured essential details like product titles, SKUs, prices, and descriptions in a unified format, streamlining the process for bulk uploads.
Accurate Product Listing: One challenge was ensuring that all product information—such as SKUs, variant prices, and descriptions—was accurately reflected on Shopify. The Faith team adopted a systematic approach:
Optimizing Images for Product Listings: To enhance the product listings, high-quality images were essential. The Faith team edited and optimized product images, ensuring they met the client’s requirements (e.g., 1000×1000 px dimensions, no shadow, white background). When necessary, the team adjusted the product focus (e.g., blurring out unrelated objects like cameras) to showcase the main product clearly.
Ensuring Shopify Backend Accuracy: Once the product data was processed, it was crucial to ensure the accuracy of both frontend and backend listings on Shopify. The Faith team meticulously checked that each field, from pricing to inventory status, was correctly uploaded and displayed. Fields like product status, published scope, and variant inventory were adjusted as per client instructions to align with Georges’ business goals.