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Offline Data Entry Services


As there are many businesses switching on to the digital platform, but there are many important documents that can be only available in the documented form or non-digital form. This document includes manual invoices, insurance records, and many others. The process of compiling the non-digital documents without involving the digital entries, this process is known as Offline Data Entry mechanism.


Offline data entry service is an effective method using which you can improve your business efficiency. There must be the timely completion of many business operations such as invoice processes and other such formats which totally depends on how quickly the entries are fulfilled. Seeing to it, there are various companies that offer these services to many businesses and individuals but we are an established and reputed firm in the market which aims to deliver the best services to the clients at a minimal cost. Here are we presenting you the best outsource offline data entry services 24/7 and fulfilling the demands of the clients.

What all services we cover?

Our company is currently offering the best services of offline data entry India to the clients where we are engaged in managing all sort of entry tasks and providing them cost-effective services across India. Our terms of Offline services are mentioned below.
Our company specialists analyses the data by capturing it and entering the format in offline data manner which is designated/offered by our clients. We manage to provide services to every small and large business across India.
We also record all sort of image-related data entry offered by the clients. It may also include the mailing lists data and other information’s.
Our team of experienced professionals manages in converting the relevant information into desired documented formats.
Another area of work interest includes the offline entry of legal documents and relevant insurance claims of clients and organizations. We undertake all these documents in our database for a legal and effective requirement.
We are the reputed firm in the market that is offering these services on client’s important catalogs, business cards and URL lists and others.
Overall, we include all sort ofoutsource offline data entry servicesfor everyone at very low rates.

Our procedure to follow:

Being one of the reputed firms in the market, we manage to work effectively irrespective of other organizations where they simply performdata entries and not maintaining it for the future purpose. Our process of working is mentioned below.
  • Accepts the raw input data: Our Company accepts the raw data format from the clients in various forms of sources which includes hard copies, handwritten data format documents, and other scanned images.
  • Entering the Data: The data is then entered into a Database as requested by our reputed clients. These databases may include excel spreadsheets, PDF’s and word documents.
  • Quality check: Our professional quality head team analyzes the data and performs various quality tests in order to detect an error. If an error is detected, it is corrected by performing error correction techniques.
  • Saving the file: After finally checking and correcting for the errors, the file is securely saved into editable documented formats.
  • Delivering the data: The work done by performing Offline data entry services are then handed over to the clients in a secure manner.
This way, we are working to offer offline data entry India services to our clients. For more such info, check out our website.