This article gives you detailed information about how to optimize your eBay listings and earn more from this beautiful platform.
eBay Listing Optimization helps sellers to increase their product ranking on eBay as well as improve visibility in Google search results. Optimizing eBay listing is quiet similar to working on a website. The main aim is to use good and appropriate methods that help buyers to get relevant products when they search for any product on eBay.
Following are the some Do’s and Don’ts which every eBay seller should follow to optimize their eBay product listings.
Do’s Of Optimizing eBay Listing
Choosing Keywords
Keywords are important and a seller needs to shortlist at least 3-5 keywords that might be searched by his potential buyers. Those keywords can be utilized in the description or title.
Include ISBNs or UPCs When Possible
ISBN or UPC helps search engines to produce your product when people are looking for it, eBay has a special code for it.
Offer Free Shipping
eBay visitors tend to search products that offer free shipping. This will leave your product at par and above the competitive listing.
Allow a Longer Return Period
Even when you give a detailed description of your product and upload pictures of it. There are a few who would still want to return the product. eBay prefers those who allow returns. This is yet another way to optimize listing. Give a minimum of two weeks for returns.
Post Minimum Two or More Pictures
Posting a picture really helps, as visitors believe in visual treat. Viewers click more on those products that provide pictures. Online shopping is all about visual effect. Only through a picture, one can get an idea of how the product may look. No one buys a product only on the basis of its descriptions.
Don’ts of Optimizing Your eBay Listing
Do Not Stuff Keywords
eBay buyers are looking for an accurate description that would describe your product aptly. Do not use too many keywords and mislead or manipulate the search engines. When you make an excessive use of keywords and when it goes out of context eBay might end up ranking you lower.
Do Not Post Blurred Images
eBay is not asking you to post pictures clicked by a professional camera, but a picture should be clear enough to satisfy the customers. If a picture is blur or one cannot zoom and understand the product, it is a complete waste to post any image. Hence, this would lower your rank listing.
Do Not List an ISBN or UPC Without the Product Name
Any information from the database about a product can be generated directly through ISBN or UPC. Hence, a seller needs to mention the product name and at least give a 200-word description of their product to make sure your product exists on eBay database. Mention the brand, colour, size and any other important information required.
Do Not Give up Within the First 3 Months
Any new seller will find it difficult. As he or she is a new entrant, it takes time to optimize your eBay listings. This beginning period is the testing period where optimization is not so effective; hence a new seller should wait and give some time.
I hope after reading the entire article you have now understood the process of optimizing your eBay listing.
If you want to outsource ebay listing optimization services to reputed ecommerce services company then just call us at +1 321 290 1717 or visit our business website.