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Lose Match Types Bid- Caching and Getting what you Pay for in Digital Marketing

A new problem that has occurred in the search query reports is left advertisers questioning on Google’s decision to explain the meaning of exact match close variants. This is the problem that advertisers are facing regarding the keyword issue, this is also happening with digital marketing.  Google has faced this problem since long, and queries come up regarding keyword matching. Advertisers just need to be assured that they are getting what they are paying for.

Google’s Long-Lasting Issues with Query Matching

Google has always faced a problem with ads about wrong keywords or words with similar meaning this brought in the invention of close variants. Even exact phrase were limited. This makes the advertisers end of a page that is not very informative or is related to their ad. This let visitor’s walk away from the page when they find the ad irrelevant.

The advertisers also face problem as when a visitor clicks on a similar keyword with similar meaning and they are not able to pay them back. As when a marketer bids for one click with a similar keyword, then the bidding process becomes difficult.

The same problem arises with the close variant. This may lead to shift of traffic as visitors may click on keywords that Google thinks is similar to the query asked but that is not the case.

Bid Caching is like the Close Variant Match of Programmatic

Index exchange was quiet a topic of discussion lately. It talks about the problem that bid caching was used for one query but was later transferred to another query, which does not have the same functions or characteristics. Therefore, the advertisers felt that they are paying for something that they did not intend to buy.

There is a difference between index exchange use of Bid caching and Google’s close variants. Bid caching was always a secret and close variant is announced and updates are told.

Google’s close variants are placements where advertisers can claim negative keywords so that there is no clashing of keywords with similar meaning for that particular ad. However, there is no way out if you are stuck with index exchange.

What is Google Thinking?

Google must have felt that the keywords in close variants with similar meaning would actually and really trigger some traffic and benefit the advertisers. However, the advertisers would not agree to this.

Another thought could be that Google must be thinking that these close variants actually convert on a low rate with low CPC’s in comparison to advertisers decreasing bids. This in return will only increase new advertising bids. This can only happen when Google thinks that there are loads of advertisers but they lack pure keywords and this would not cut down on new close variants even through negatives.

Google may be thinking or is prepared that there are 2 set of advertisers one who will just keep adding negatives and the campaigns would not give good results and will not be impactful. The other kind of advertisers is those who are inactive, cannot manage their accounts well, and will keep giving new ads.


At the end of discussion, the advertisers are just expecting good returns for what they intend to pay. Google’s close variant, index exchange or any other digital marketing service, advertisers are just questioning to Google that whether they would get full control over their ads or not. As in near time, one would see how these close variants would generate great revenue for Google with exact match keywords.